Monday, September 19, 2011

IRA Statement

From a young age, kids need to be surrounded by reading.  Within a classroom, reading should be everywhere and encouraged by everyone.  There are so many forms of reading and literacy that all children should be exposed before they even come into a school.  Teachers should have a good environment in which children feel comfortable to learn.  Within this environment, different literacy ideas should be spread around the room.  Teachers should be kept up to date on new technology, ideas, and theories on ways children can progress in their reading skills.  The position statement mainly summarizes the importance of a child’s literacy surroundings.  The surroundings should influence and stimulate the students' minds in order to make reading more fun and easy.  The help from parents at home is very important, but some students just don't have the type of lifestyle in which they can receive the stimulation they need at a very young age.  Immersing children into the world of reading is the best and fastest way in which they can learn.  They need to see the availability and variety of learning the new skill of reading.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Literacy surroundings are very important. I am glad you brought that up. We want our classrooms to be filled with words, books, children's writing, and items that encourage them to read.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Surrounding the classroom with literacy is so important. I have read in one article that in today's classrooms there is little time spent reading or even just exploring books. It is encouraged to provide your students with a lot of time to explore books whether it's individually or in whole group instruction. Surrounding the room with literacy will even provide students with more experience.

  5. I am glad you brought up that some students don't have the type of lifestyle in which they can receive the stimulation from parents they need at a very young age. Knowing this, we as educators must create environments full of rich and inviting literature that the children will desire to immerse themselves in
